ዶ/ር ኤልያስ ገብሩ አእምሮ

ዶ/ር ኤልያስ

Dr. Elias Gebru Aimero is a young Medical Doctor, specializing in Psychiatry; He is also a blogger and a writer. Author of books like ኤቶዮጵ(ረጅም ታሪካዊና መንፈሳዊ ልብ ወለድ) ፣ አንድ አገር/ቢያቶኮ እና ኮሜንት (አጫጭር ወጎችና ግጥሞች) in Amharic and The Pursuit of Unity in Time of Separation, a spiritual novel published in London. He is also known for his works on personal development advice, exploring the ancient wisdom of Ethiopians and bringing these teachings to the current generation, to inspire the youth group for a better future. He believes intellectual awakening, spiritual reconciliation and a modest personality trend is what his country needs the most; Love and unity are his priorities. He has installed his belief in his popular novel Ethiop which got endorsements from notable scholars like P/r Fikre Tolossa & D/r Megabi Rodas. It was one of the top 5 books of HoHe book competition. And a discussion was held at the Ethiopian National Library (ወመዘክር) on the book with respected guests. Dr. Elias is also a board member of Nubia integrated sustainable dev't org, & GaBE (Global Association to reBuild Ethiopia) participated in a number of campaigns and volunteer works. He had made his appearances on big media outlets like EBS, Arts TV, Fana Tv, JTV etc… and had shared his vision with the community. He also writes on social media platforms like Facebook and telegram with a slogan My Generation/ የኔ ትውልድ plus his articles got published on Magazines like Feteh Magazine (ፍትሕ መጽሔት), Dana & Addis Insight. This energetic young fellow is still ambitious to help his community. Join him in the journey towards a better, united and enlightened society.

Books by ዶ/ር ኤልያስ:



Ficition, Self Development, Literature



Fiction, Self development, Literature



Fiction, Literature, Sociologgy